Welcome to Module #4 - The HEART Chakra

The heart chakra is the home of our soul. This is the center of our energy system, our true resting place. This is where the energies of the spirit self (upper chakras) and earth self (lower chakras) meet. The heart governs how we relate to love.

One of the most difficult steps for us humans to make is to unconditionally love. How we love and the conditions we put on our love/relationships is dependent on how grounded we are, how good we feel being who we are and how confident we are to be ourselves (the awarenesses of the first 3 chakras).

The heart is the energetic space where all healing begins and ends; here, we create and manifest all things in our life. Having a solid foundation (root), emotional maturity (sacral), and a clear thought process and connection to your instincts (power) directly relates to our capacity to love and our ability to be in a balanced state of giving and receiving.

This is the home of our truth. We must open our heart to what is true for us – if we ignore our heart’s desire, we will attract things, people and places that leave us feeling unfulfilled. It’s in our heart that we see the full force of our intentions as they move from potential to reality.

To be with love, and the truth of the heart, is to see with childlike eyes. We know we are using our heart as an anchor when we engage in our life, our relationships, and our love (of ourselves and others) without conditions and underlying needs and wants – when we are able to engage with the purity of love.

The goal of the heart is to be open and to be able to give and receive equally. Meditation (which can include guided, walking, Yoga, mindful moments and anything you find meditative) is our greatest tool to help activate the energy of the heart to awaken true love, compassion, self-reflection and empathy.


Heart Chakra Coaching Video

Heart Chakra Yoga Video

To connect with and activate the energy of the Heart Chakra, I recommend you practice this yoga video 3 to 7 times during the week.

See below: I have also included a Moon Salutation video, please enjoy it if you would like to lengthen your practice and/or feel you’d enjoy a warm-up before the Heart Chakra Yoga session..

Heart Chakra Facts & Info

This PDF outlines all the key qualities, characteristics and attributes of the Heart Chakra.

Download Here

Heart Chakra Meditation

To connect with and activate the energy of the Heart Chakra, I recommend you enjoy this meditation 3 to 7 times during the week. It would wonderful on it’s own or as a delicious finale to the Yoga practice.

Moon Salutation


I have given you choice here, so please pick and choose which exercises resonates the most for you right now – and know the others will always be here for you to come back too.

1) Begin a gratitude journal. Take the time to write 10 things a day you feel grateful for. I find this particularly powerful as a way to begin my day. (You may choose to play with writing down things in your life that you’re grateful for, as well as a list of qualities you appreciate or find inspiring in someone in your life).

2) Do you feel you give as well as you receive? And receive as well as you give? Divide a page into 2 parts. On one side write a list of how you give and on the second side how you receive.

3) Are you able to love yourself and others without conditions and/or judgments? (i.e. do you love who you are/others for all you/they are without having to be/do anything specific?) Where do you feel you place conditions and judgments? (i.e. how do you react if someone/something disappoints you?)

4) Is there anyone you are holding in negative regard? Or are having trouble forgiving? How can you bring forgiveness into your heart? Perhaps write them a letter – acknowledging your feelings and releasing blame (this is what you see them doing wrong) and regret (this is what you see yourself doing wrong). Forgiveness gets stuck because we get trapped in one or both of these territories. (NOTE: You don’t actually have to send the letter!).


I have given you choice so you can pick and choose as you wish and engage in what resonates most.

1) Notice when you default into a judgmental head space – i.e. “why is the guy driving so slowly”, “how can this person not understand” or “wow, that person is so…” AND replace the judgment with “and so do I” (i.e. “that guy is driving so slowly and so do I”)

2) Meditation is such a beautiful way to awaken this chakra – bring bite sized bits of meditation into your day. Engage in a walking meditation (by simply focusing on your breath as you walk, even if it’s only from your desk to the bathroom), do the meditation I’ve given you above or simply find a soothing song you love and sit quietly or lie down and listen (I love “Ra Ma Da Sa” by Snatam Kaur for this).

3) Notice this week when things really speak to your heart energy (the things that make you feel alive, balance and full of love and joy).


I have given you a choice here. Pick one or two that resonates most with you – this may change and evolve over time. Once you connect with what resonates most repeat it (or them) 3 times at least once per day!

– I am love

– I am worthy of love

– I am loving to myself and others

– love is infinite

– I live in balance with others

– I am compassionate

– I forgive

– I accept

– I allow love to fill me up and guide my actions

– I give love and love comes back to me

– I love myself and every area of my life

– my emotions are balanced and in harmony with my energy

Step Into Another Chakra: