Welcome to Module #2 - The Sacral Chakra

The sacral chakra is our sacred dwelling place. This houses our creativity and where all our dreams and fantasies live. This is where we conceive, protect, nurture and birth our selves. This is our emotional center. The aim of this chakra is to develop emotional maturity. This is where we consider whether we respond to emotional situations or react.

The sacral chakra relates intimately with our root chakra – when we have a solid foundation the sacral chakra can easily become our place to expand and flow from. For example, when a child begins to move around and explore their environment, they first hold on to their parent – or what’s most familiar or comforting – until they feel ready to let go and experience the joys and pleasures life has to offer on their own.

The emphasis of this energy center is to find your center and give yourself the permission to embrace the truth of all you are and all that is. When we awaken the energy of this center, we can interact with the world through grace and harmony, rather than need and/or want. In a nutshell, the energy of this chakra comes down to feeling the fullness of your life and embracing your experiences – do you allow yourself to have the freedom to feel all you are feeling? Express all your desires? And embrace what feels good to you?

We come here to embrace and accept that we are truly good enough for all that we are and in all that we do.


Sacral Chakra Coaching Video

Sacral Chakra Yoga Video

To connect with and activate the energy of the Sacral Chakra, I recommend you practice this yoga video 3 to 7 times during the week.

See below: I have also included a Moon Salutation video, please enjoy it if you would like to lengthen your practice and/or feel you’d enjoy a warm-up before the Sacral Chakra Yoga session.

Sacral Chakra Facts & Info

This PDF outlines all the key qualities, characteristics and attributes of the Sacral Chakra.

Download Here

Sacral Chakra Meditation

To connect with and activate the energy of the Sacral Chakra, I recommend you enjoy this meditation 3 to 7 times during the week. It would wonderful on it’s own or as a delicious finale to the Yoga practice.

Moon Salutations


I have given you a choice here so please pick and choose which exercises resonate the most for you right now – and know the others will always be here for you to come back too.

1) End or begin each day journaling about what you feel in the moment. It may be one thing or many, just writing with full permission to be with what you are feeling in the moment.

2) What brings you pleasure? What are you excited about having in your life? How well do you embrace/engage in these things?

3) Divide a piece of paper in two sides. On one side write down the things that bring you joy, comfort, love, pleasure, that feeling of being in flow. On the second side write down the things that bring you sadness, discomfort, anger, guilt, shame, feelings of resistance. Embracing duality is important for awakening this energy center. Once you have done this exercise, take a moment to look at and read over what you’ve written on this piece of paper and embrace it all equally.


I have given you a choice so you can pick and choose as you wish and engage in what resonates with you most.

1) Invite in some time this week to do something enjoyable just for you without looking for approval from anyone else.

2) Consider what would happen if you expressed who you really are/what you are really feeling without being overly concerned with the response of others. For example, simply say “I can’t” if you are unable to go to something you’re invited to – without feeling the need to explain why. OR “I am feeling tired and can’t make it after all” without feeling guilt OR if you’re running late, instead of saying I’ll be there in 2 minutes state the actual 15 minutes it will take you to get there.

3) As you move through your week invite mindfulness around how you are feeling as the perfections and imperfections, comforts and discomforts, joys and pains of life play out – being your own inner observer as life’s ebbs and flows happen. Notice how well you deal with/hold emotions that aren’t as pleasurable/perfect, as well as how well you do/allow/embrace emotions that are pleasurable? (This would be a wonderful thing to journal about)

4) Engage in something that brings you pleasure (sexual activity, eating chocolate cake) and enjoy every moment without letting guilt be a part of the experience!


I have given you a choice here. Pick one or two that resonates most with you – this may change and evolve over time. Once you connect to what resonates most, repeat it (or them) 3 times at least once per day!

– I am enough

– I feel

– I am radiant

– I feel my emotions and my pain

– I awaken my passion

– I deserve pleasure in life

– I embrace my sexuality

– Life is pleasurable

– I move with ease and grace

Step Into Another Chakra: