Welcome to Module #6 - The THIRD EYE Chakra
The third eye is the energy center connected to our inner voice – our intuition. Our work in this chakra is to get in touch with our inner wisdom and learn to trust it.
The third eye is our vehicle for self-reflection and self-knowledge. The work here is to become aware and conscious of who we are, what we need to do to become more mindful, and learn to focus our mind’s eye inward. When we become more conscious of our thoughts, actions and behaviours, we learn to modify and make adjustments that will, in time, override our default behaviours. These default behaviours are those ingrained within us, they have been learned and/or inherited; none of them “need” to remain with us for eternity – if we choose to make a change!
Bringing consciousness into our life begins with baby steps. Being aware of what we want to change is a starting point. Next it’s being mindful of 3 things: 1) when we engage in the behaviour(s) we want to change OR the behaviour(s) that keeps us from the change we want, 2) what may be standing in our way of making the change, and 3) when we allow these blocks to prevent us from moving forward with the change. Once we begin to live more consciously we create beautiful fertile soil for change to grow, blossom and take hold.
Visualization is a huge tool for helping us invite in change; it’s a brilliant way to awaken this chakra. When we engage in a visualization practice, we work with universal creation and give it space to weave its magic. The trick is to be patient and give our visions time to develop in the energetic world until it’s time to act – listen to your intuition on this one (and this may take some trial and error). Once we come to action, the thing we have envisioned creating already exists in the energetic realm, like a blue print, so the manifestation occurs without a great deal of effort. So, be careful about what you ask for!
Third Eye Chakra Coaching Video
Third Eye Chakra Yoga Video
To connect with and activate the energy of the Third Eye Chakra, I recommend you practice this yoga video 3 to 7 times during the week.
See below: I have also included a Sun Salutation video, please enjoy it if you would like to lengthen your practice and/or feel you’d enjoy a warm-up before the Third Eye Chakra Yoga session
Third Eye Chakra Facts & Info
This PDF outlines all the key qualities, characteristics and attributes of the Third Eye Chakra.
Third Eye Chakra Meditation
To connect with and activate the energy of the Third Eye Chakra, I recommend you enjoy this meditation 3 to 7 times during the week. It would wonderful on it’s own or as a delicious finale to the Yoga practice.
Moon Salutation
I have given you a choice here so please pick and choose which exercises resonate the most with you right now – and know the others will always be here for you to come back too.
1) Take a moment to connect with and consider a behaviour or emotion you want to change/let go of (i.e. impatience, anxiety, relationship issues, perfectionism, money issues, emotional eating,…). It’s common to develop a hatred for unwanted behaviours/emotions. Instead of simply wishing it to go away and/or putting a bandage on it (and watching it stick around), you need to stare it right in the face. Take a moment to observe and understand your patterns.
Write down this behavour/emotion in your journal. Write out how it feels in you body/mind when you are present with this behaviour/emotion (write emotion, physical description, colour, texture, describing words, anything that comes to mind when you connect in). Look at your pen or pencil as the truth teller and aid for staring this behaviour/emotion right in the face. Once we face ingrained patterns, beliefs and old ideas we are able to begin to release them – we diminish their power when we call them out and embrace them. Write out all that comes and try and do so without judgment or analysis, do this with an energy of consciousness and awareness.
2) What do you dream of creating? Write it down. Imagine your dream is created. What does it look like? Who’s with you? How does it feel? What does it bring to your life?
3) What do you want to let go of? What source of blame is keeping you from stepping into this? (i.e. I’m horrible with money because my parents always were, I’m quick to get agitated because my dad had a bad temper, I find it difficult to connect with my emotions or intuition because we never did that in my family, I never workout because I don’t have enough time, I emotionally eat because…). Write down what’s true for you. Facing this can bring up fear, insecurity, agitation and/or vulnerability. Take a moment to consider what fears/insecurities/emotions/vulnerabilities this brings to the surface?
4) It’s easy to get caught in our “story”. Is your story serving you? (i.e. the labels, identifications, family stories that define you). As a way to come into seeing clearly, write out the things in your life you are grateful for. Consider questions such as: what people are you grateful for? What qualities do you admire in those people? What do you admire in life generally, and why? What have you overcome in your life and how has that brought you strength? Then consider if your “story” aligns with these reflections.
I have given you a choice so you can pick and choose as you wish and engage in what resonates most.
1) Create time for a visualization practice (this may be or include a guided meditation). Sit or lie down in a comfortable position. After some deep breaths or meditation, come to envision whatever you desire happening. Hold that vision, see it’s success and all the benefits of this happening and feel the feelings that come with this manifestion. (NOTE: the meditation I have included in this weeks course material includes a visualization)
2) As you move through your day, notice how often you make decisions from an inside/intuitive/inner wisdom place (listening to the inner whispers) and how often you make decisions based on external influences (you may find it helpful to journal about this observation).
3) Draw or spend some time colouring. Drawing/colouring is brilliant way for bringing us into the present moment, clearing out the “noise” and allowing us to connect inward. It also allows us to connect to our imagination, which is a beautiful way of connecting to our third eye.
4) Upon waking up, before doing anything else, see if you can remember your dreams (you may enjoy beginning a dream journal).
I have given you a choice here. Pick one or two that resonates most with you – this may change and evolve over time. Once you connect to what resonates most, repeat it (or them) 3 times at least once per day!
– I see all things in clarity
– I am open to the wisdom within
– I can manifest my vision
– I am wisdom
– I am calm and clear
– I open to the wisdom within me
– I trust my intuition and follow it
– I am connected with my highest truth
– I listen to my intuition
– I accept my path
Step Into Another Chakra: