Welcome to Module #7 - The crown Chakra

Here rests the energies of universal consciousness, the interconnectedness of everything, pure thought, understanding and BLISS.

The crown is the place of letting go of attachment. This does not mean we have to let go of life as it is, but rather relax into what is and release control and desire for a set outcome. For example, letting go of attachment isn’t as much about going to India and living in an ashram for 6 months, as it is about staying where we are and coming to surrender and trust in the wisdom of the universe. This is not to say we release our dreams, visions and desires, but rather that we need to do the work to achieve these things and then trust that their manifestation will be supported – embracing the idea that what’s meant to be will be.

Having acceptance of all things exactly as they unfold allows us to experience the fullness of being human and allows for joyful participation in all that life has to offer. When we live our highest calling we receive inspiration from a universal place, where we can inspire others and create anything we tap into energetically. The crown chakra inspires what the root must physically manifest.

There is a seed of unrealized potential in each one of us that is waiting to grow and blossom. Our work is to engage in life in a way that fuels us and provides a solid root system to embrace life’s ebbs and flows. As we do so, we must stand tall with confidence, love and compassion, express our truth and hold an inner knowing that we are on the right path. It is with this work that our blossoms and beauty are able to shine brightly. It is with this work that we can arrive into a place where, whether we are seen or not, we will shine our light and beauty out in the world with a feeling of completeness and wholeness – knowing that we are expressing our deepest expression of self and our inborn nature.


Crown Chakra Coaching Video

Crown Chakra Yoga Video

To connect with and activate the energy of the Crown Chakra, I recommend you practice this yoga video 3 to 7 times during the week.

See below: I have also included a Sun Salutation video, please enjoy it if you would like to lengthen your practice and/or feel you’d enjoy a warm-up before the Crown Chakra Yoga session.

Crown Chakra Facts & Info

This PDF outlines all the key qualities, characteristics and attributes of the Crown Chakra.

Download Here

Crown Chakra Meditation

To connect with and activate the energy of the Crown Chakra, I recommend you enjoy this meditation 3 to 7 times during the week. It would wonderful on it’s own or as a delicious finale to the Yoga practice.

Sun Salutations


I have given you a choice here so please pick and choose which exercises resonate the most with you right now – and know the others will always be here for you to come back too.

1) Become a neutral observer of yourself and take a look at who you are and how you are living your life. Write down what’s working and what isn’t. Do this with awareness and release attachment, blame or excuses.

2) There are times that we must deviate from the group or step outside the box to express our truth. Come to think of a time when you deviated from the main path and stepped into “your” path. How did it feel? Were there any gifts, lessons, teachings that came from this? What does it feel and look like to take “your” path?

3) Write down all the labels you have been given in your life. For each one, note how this label affected your life. Consider whether the label is true, how has it served you and has it hindered your growth? Now come to write down some new labels to replace the ones that have hindered you. Finally, write down how these new labels will help you change your life.

4) Write down who you are – i.e. how do you connect to others, what makes you stand out and what makes you blend in? How do you want to express yourself in the world?

5) Sometimes living authentically is more about what we remove from our life than what we add to it. What needs to be removed from your life? What does your gut tell you?

6) Imagine it’s one year from today, write out what your life looks like. Now ask yourself, do I dare make my life what I desire? You do not need to wait for permission. You need to give yourself permission. What is your gift? Am I ready to embrace my gift? What will it take for you to live a life letting my gift and light shine?


I have given you a choice so you can pick and choose as you wish and engage in what resonates most.

1) Notice if you tend to be someone that is an advice giver (sympathizer) or someone who empowers and supports people in their feelings (empathizer). Living in a place where we trust that people (and ourselves) have everything they need to solve their own problems is a very empowering energy to live in.

2) For one week, put on the lens of only seeing the best in others and take people at face value. Release any stories that may exist. (This may also prove to be a powerful journaling exercise).


I have given you a choice here. Pick one or two that resonates most with you – this may change and evolve over time. Once you connect to what resonates most, repeat it (or them) 3 times at least once per day.

– I am divine

– I am divinely inspired

– I am open to new ideas

– Knowledge I need comes to me

– The world is my teacher

– I am guided by a higher power

– I am guided by inner wisdom

– I am complete

– I am light

– I am trust

– I am one with the universe

Step Into Another Chakra: