Welcome to Module #5 - The THroat Chakra

This is our communication center – home of our authentic self- expression. As we embrace the energy of this chakra and the idea of expressing ourselves, it’s important to be mindful that there is a difference between self-expression and speaking our mind.

This energy center is as much about listening as it is about speaking.  Sound and vibration play a huge role with this chakra, especially when it comes to shaping our reality. As a simple example, think of the power music has and how much emotion it can provoke – whether we dance and/or sing to it, the way it can bring us to tears, fire us up or calm us down, all speaks to how sound and vibration impacts us.

In the same way, how we speak to ourselves, speak about others and what we allow ourselves to hear, creates our reality. Being mindful of our self-talk, what we are saying and the external messages we invite in (i.e. through the people in our lives and/or listening/watching the news, etc.) all play a significant role in creating how we feel about ourselves and we present ourselves to the world.

As much as the throat chakra is in charge of the messages we send to others verbally, it’s also in charge of how we communicate energetically. Through the throat chakra, we see how the world responds to us according to the energy we send out. The way we express ourselves and see ourselves is connected to who we repel or attract. For example, have you ever walked into a room and been immediately attracted to or put off by someone? That’s the throat chakra at work!

When we don’t feel good about ourselves, our self-expression will lack confidence; we will likely misunderstand what people are saying to us or about us. The lower chakras play a huge role in the clarity of this energy center. When we have a good foundation, sense of self-worth, strong confidence and an open heart, we are able to receive the truth and speak our truth.

Given that sound and vibration are the basic ingredients of creation and shape our reality, we can awaken our throat chakra by using intentions/mantras/affirmations, by being conscious of how we speak (to self and others), of what we allow ourselves to listen to, and by being open to listening to the quiet whispers of our soul.


Throat Chakra Coaching Video

Throat Chakra Yoga Video

To connect with and activate the energy of the Throat Chakra, I recommend you practice this yoga video 3 to 7 times during the week.

See below: I have also included a Sun Salutation video, please enjoy it if you would like to lengthen your practice and/or feel you’d enjoy a warm-up before the Throat Chakra Yoga session.

Throat Chakra Facts & Info

This PDF outlines all the key qualities, characteristics and attributes of the Throat Chakra.

Download Here

Throat Chakra Meditation

To connect with and activate the energy of the Throat Chakra, I recommend you enjoy this meditation 3 to 7 times during the week. It would wonderful on it’s own or as a delicious finale to the Yoga practice.

Sun Salutation


I have given you a choice here so please pick and choose which exercises resonate the most with you right now – and know the others will always be here for you to come back too.

1) What do you truly desire? Write it down.

Are you keeping yourself from doing this? What inner dialogue, stories or beliefs systems may be keeping you from stepping fully into this desire? It may be helpful to start a statement like: “My beliefs about love are ______ (replace love with relationships, money, success, work, etc.).

As an added step, share your desire(s) and pieces blocking you from your desire(s) with someone you can trust who can help you step into releasing these blocks. When we feel “stuck” we often feel the world/universe is keeping whatever we desire from us… By changing our dialogue, story and belief systems (the sounds and vibration that make up our reality) we can step into our desire(s).

2) With the “busy disease” running rampant, it’s easy to get caught up in “to do’s” and lose sight of, remain disconnected from, and make excuses for not expressing our desires and truths. Write down what you’ve been meaning to do/want to do. Share the little things and big things that are true to you – whatever it may be (i.e. that ideal day, dream job, relationship, home). This is not about unrealistic statements, only things that feel true to you.

3) What does your inner critic tell you? What we hear creates our reality. Write down everything you can think of. Once this list is complete (note: it may take a few days to create), look at it and make a counter statement for each item you’ve listed. Invite a conscious practice around taking bite sized steps to change your inner monologue.

4) Two of my most favourite and TRUEST quotes are:

“Our vibe attracts our tribe” AND

“We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with”

Divide a piece of paper into 2 sides. On one side, write a list of people who invite you to step into all that you are here to express and allow you to be your best. On the second side, write down the people that prevent you from showing your truth and invite you to remain disconnected from expressing YOU (your truth) in the world. Ensure you’re spending most of your time with the people that allow you to be your best!


I have given you a choice so you can pick and choose as you wish and engage in what resonates most.

1) Notice when you are hesitant to speak what you are thinking/feeling and challenge yourself to let the words out.

2) Take the time to consciously connect with whomever you are speaking to – look the people you love in the eye and say “I love you” (or whatever else you may want to speak).

3) Observe your inner voice. Be conscious of when your inner voice becomes an inner critic and consciously change the words to be empowering (note: you may also like to work with #4, below, and journaling exercise #3).

4) Commit to an empowering intention or affirmation/mantra (see below) that really resonates for you and repeat it out loud at least 3 times twice per day.


I have given you a choice here. Pick one or two that resonate most with you – this may change and evolve over time. Once you connect to what resonates most, repeat it (or them) 3 times at least once per day!

– I am truth

– I express who I am

– I speak my truth

– I listen to others

– I am expressive

– I express myself with truth and clarity

– I express myself creatively

– I speak with ease

– I hear and speak the truth

– creativity flows in and through me

– my voice matters

Step Into Another Chakra: