Welcome to The Heart Chakra

Begin your journey through the Heart Chakra by clicking the video below:

Heart Chakra Healing Practices:

Meditation -  just after 5:39

Yoga poses - just after 58:30 in the video

PLEASE NOTE:  be sure you take time for savasana (final rest) after you engage in your yoga practice, movement or yoga posture. Taking a minimum of 4-8 minutes would be ideal and longer is always amazing.

Journal prompts and Soul Inquires:

1. How fulfilled are you feeling in your life lately? And do you feel your life is feeling sustainable? What heart desires are asking to be more acknowledged? What steps do you desire to take to root more into a life of responding, listening to, and leading more from your hearts desires?

2. Do you feel there is an even flow of give and take within the relationships you have in your life? Where do you tend to give more than receive or take more than you give? I invite you to take a piece of paper, divide it into two columns and write on one side all the ways you give and on the other ways all the ways you receive. Having a visual of how well you give and receive may help you be more mindful of keeping that flow even in your life.

3. Are you able to love yourself and others without conditions and/or judgements? (i.e. love for all you/they are without having to be or do anything specific?) Where do you feel you place conditions and judgements? Knowing that conditions and judgements are signs and symptoms of wounds or unresolved healing of the lower chakras, what do you feel your soul is asking for in those situations? How can you give yourself what you're truly desiring?

4. Is there a situation or person in your life that you're having difficulty with or that you hold in negative regard? Keeping the heart space clean and clear involves compassion, deeper understanding, holistic thinking and forgiveness. How can you deepening these aspects in relation to this person or situation?

5. What is your truth? What are your most alive heart desires? How well are you expressing, acknowledging and incorporating these in your present life?

Heart Chakra Basics:

Traumas and abuses that directly affect this chakra:  

- rejection

- loss

- abandonment

- shaming

- criticism

- abuses to the lower chakras

- unacknowledged grief (including that inherited from parents)

- divorce

- death

- conditional love

- sexual and physical abuse

- betrayal

Characteristics that indicate there’s excessive energy at the Heart Chakra:

- codependency

- poor boundaries

- possessive

- jealous

- demanding

- clinging

- overly sacrificing

Characteristics that indicate there’s deficient energy at the Heart Chakra:

- shy

- lonely

- withdrawn

- antisocial

- isolated

- lack of empathy

- bitter

- critical

- judgmental

- intolerant of self and others

- depression

- fear of intimacy/relationships

Physical signs and symptoms that the Heart Chakra is out of balance:

- disorders of the heart, lungs, thymus, breasts, and arms

- shortness of breath

- sunken chest

- circulation and blood pressure problems

- asthma

- immune system deficiency

- tension between and with shoulders/shoulder blades

- chest pain

Characteristics of a "balanced" Heart Chakra:

- compassionate

- loving

- empathetic

- self-loving

- altruistic

- peaceful

- balanced

- good immune system

Additional pieces to be mindful of...

1. In your day to day life, notice when you're over shadowing the opportunity to be with love and instead choosing judgement, criticism or negativity. This can be in the simplest places and ways -  when driving, in response to world events, in relation with frustrating people, etc. How can you bring more understanding, holistic thinking and compassion
2. This is an extra beautiful week to engage in some daily meditation.
Here is a link to tune into a number of meditations I have recorded.

Supportive Playlists:

Keeping these here to ensure they're easily accessible!


Healing Meditation


Continue Your Journey Through The Chakras below: