Welcome to The Power Chakra

Begin your journey through the Power Chakra by clicking the video below:

Power Chakra Healing Practices:

Meditation - just after 5:39

Yoga poses - just after 105:00 in the video

PLEASE NOTE:  be sure you take time for savasana (final rest) after you engage in your yoga practice, movement or yoga posture. Taking a minimum of 4-8 minutes would be ideal and longer is always amazing.

Journal prompts and Soul Inquires:

1. Describe yourself. Your truth. What makes you, you! Your individuation and be sure to include the things that make you awesome, unique and amazing. 

2. Write a "brag" list. Share accomplishments you've had (in your life, the past year, month/recently - you choose), ways you've let your light shine, ways you('ve) share(d) the gift that is you.

3. Do the actions, choices and interpretations you make in your life support you and allow you to feel fulfilled? Which actions, choices and interpretations do, and which ones maybe don't? What shifts and changes would you like to be mindful of to ensure your actions, choices and interpretations support you and allow you to feel fulfilled and embodied in your truth?

4. Where, with who, and in what situations do you feel your "limited ego" (desire for control, domination, assertion of power) surfaces and/or gets triggered? What steps you do desire to make to shift and change this and stay connected with your truth and "unlimited ego" (allowance to BE all you are with confidence and pride).
5. Knowing that your thoughts create your reality, do you feel you accurately see and interpret your reality? Where may you be creating "stories" based on past wounds and traumas (which may be provoking a feeling of inadequacy, mistrust and insecurity/lack of security)? Where and in what situations do you feel the stories you create may be taking away your sense of personal power and effecting your relationships? Based on this, what actions or steps would feel good to invoke shifts and changes for yourself in these situations?

Power Chakra Basics:

Traumas and abuses that directly affect this chakra:  

- shaming

- authoritarianism

- volatile situations

- domination of will

- physical abuse

- age inappropriate responsibilities (i.e. parentified childhood)

- inherited shame

Characteristics that indicate there’s excessive energy at the Power Chakra:

- overly aggressive and controlling

- need to be right and have last word

- manipulative

- deceitful

- attraction to sedatives

- temper tantrums

- violent outbursts

- scattered

- constantly active

- competitive

- stubborn

- driving ambition (i.e. type A)

- arrogant

Characteristics that indicate there’s deficient energy at the Power Chakra:

- weak will

- poor self-esteem

- passive

- sluggish

- fearful

- poor self-discipline and follow-through

- cold (emotionally and/or physically)

- poor digestion

- attraction to stimulants

- victim mentality

- passive

- unreliable

Physical signs and symptoms that the Power Chakra is out of balance:

- eating disorders

- digestive problems

- ulcers

- hypoglycemia

- diabetes

- muscle spasms

- chronic fatigue

- hypertension

- disorders of stomach, pancreas, gall bladder and liver

Characteristics of a "balanced" Power Chakra:

- responsible

- reliable

- good self-esteem

- warm personality

- confidence

- spontaneity

- playfulness

- appropriate self-discipline

- sense of one’s personal power

- ablility to meet challenges

Additional pieces to be mindful of...

1. Allow yourself to be mindful of how the way you're feeling effects your thoughts and interpretations. Consider how nourished you are (the health of your roots, i.e. Root Chakra) and easeful you are with life's ebb and flow (fluidity of your sacral, i.e. Sacral Chakra).

2. Hold awareness in your day to day life of what the above journaling prompts 3, 4 and 5 speak to. Being in awareness of your actions, choices and interpretations, situations your limited ego are activated, and how accurately you're interpreting your reality.

Supportive Playlists:

I wanted to share these playlists again here so you have them easily accessible!


Healing Meditation


Continue Your Journey Through The Chakras below: