Welcome to The Throat Chakra

Begin your journey through the Throat Chakra by clicking the video below:

Throat Chakra Healing Practices:

Meditation - just after 5:30

Yoga poses - just after 59:54 in the video

PLEASE NOTE:  be sure you take time for savasana (final rest) after you engage in your yoga practice, movement or yoga posture. Taking a minimum of 4-8 minutes would be ideal and longer is always amazing.

Journal prompts and Soul Inquires:

1. a) What reality do you truly desire in and for your life? What truths do you desire to be real for you? Write it all down. Describe it all fully. What does/would each day, week, month and year look and feel like for you if all of this were true? What qualities are/would be most present? What people or types of people are/would be present? What activities and experiences are/would be part of it?

b) Are you keeping yourself from this reality and expression of truth? What inner dialogue, stories, beliefs systems, patterns, and/or external noise may be keeping you from stepping fully into the life and truth you desire?

Remember: Sound and vibration (i.e. inner dialogues, stories, beliefs, external influences) have great power in creating your reality. 

2. What does your inner monologue/critic say to you? Write down everything you can think of. Once this list is complete (this may take a few days to create), look at it and make a counter (positive) statement for each item you’ve listed. Then invite a conscious practice around mindfully and lovingly changing your inner monologue as the old negative comments arise.

3. Jim Rohn said, “We are the average of the 5 people we spend the most time with”.

Divide a piece of paper into 2 sides. On one side, write a list of people that allow you to feel comfortable and confident expressing and being your full authentic truth with.  On the second, side write down the people where that experience isn't true and who leave you questioning yourself and/or not confident with expressing your truest you or feeling the need to change who you are. Consider how much time you send around the people that invite you to feel most comfortable and confident. How and in what ways can you make a more conscious effort to spend more time in their presence?

Throat Chakra Basics:

Traumas and abuses that directly affect this chakra:  

- lies

- verbal abuse

- yelling

- criticism (blocks creativity)

- secrets

- authoritarian parents

- alcoholic, chemical dependent family

Characteristics that indicate there’s excessive energy at the Throat Chakra:

- excessive talking

- inability to listen

- unwillingness to compromise

- stuttering

Characteristics that indicate there’s deficient energy at the Throat Chakra:

- fear of speaking

- weak voice

- difficulty putting feelings into words

- shyness

- tone deaf

- poor rhythm

Physical signs and symptoms that the Throat Chakra is out of balance:

- disorders of the throat, ears, voice, neck

- tightness of the jaw

- toxicity

Characteristics of a "balanced" Throat Chakra:

- resonant voice

- good listener

- good sense of timing and rhythm

- clear communication

- lives creatively

Additional pieces to be mindful of...

1. Take the time to consciously connect with the people you interact with and speak to - look them in the eyes, hear and receive what they're saying, respond and speak from an open heart, tell the people you love that you love them, and share positive acknowledgements with yourself and others more often.

2. Commit to stating multiple times a day an empowering mantra/affirmation that resonates with what you're working with releasing/inviting in (refer to journal prompt #2).

Supportive Playlists:

Keeping these here to ensure they're easily accessible!


Healing Meditation


Continue Your Journey Through The Chakras below: